Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday, 7/30/11-where's Lance

Day ? (lost track of how long the ride is, but know it's the last day) and we finally stayed in the town the ride departs from, so Jeff was up and out on his own & I got to sleep until 7AM-yea.  Nice quiet morning for me and Jeff made his usual 9AM ish call before I had packed up our mess. His ride was going extremely well, partially due to a somewhat pleasant morning and yes indeed, it was the last day of RAGBRAI.

Jeff called at his usual 9AM check in and I hadn't even packed up the room.  I've never know whether to settle in, or hit the road, but usually manage to be on time to watch the riders arrive at the day's final destination.  Out of all the days of coordinating  meeting points, boy did we ever miscommunicate this afternoon.  I was waiting by the bridge over the Mississippi, north of the casino, on the bike path.  Sounds reasonable, right?  But we Coloradoans never considered that there might be more than one bridge over the mighty Mississip in Davenport, that the bike path along the river was miles long, and certainly never considered there would be more than one casino in town (Isle of Capri & Rhythm City, that we now know of).  An hour later, many, many calls back and forth, and the GPS lady telling me she was re-calculating, I did in fact find Jeff, 4 miles from where I assumed we would meet. 

On the road, I-80 west, heading home.  I had a blast, never did get to weave, and oddly never had a chance to finish the "Adderall Diaries", and Lance never showed as advertised (that we know of).  Another successful RAGBRAI for Jeff-445 miles this year.  Jeff wore his Colorado bike shirt the first day of the ride and also the final day of the ride.  I couldn't be more proud of Jeff and this incredible week!

...I know I'm missing a day of the blog, and it was certainly the funnest-I'll try to catch up in a few days so keep watching...

Oh, and Jimmy answered the last trivia question correctly, along with the bonus question, so his prize will be mailed in a manila envelope within 30 days upon our arrival in Colorado.

One more trivia question though-what kind of animal looks like a big rat, but has almost an armour, scaly looking body.  The rat thing is about a foot long, kinda of brownish, grayish, and not in the least bit cute.  I've only seen this animal squished on the side of the road.  So, maybe not a trivia question, but just identifying road kill.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you guys had a blast, and are happy you decided to go through with it in the end. Jeff's feat was amazing, as was Jill's seemingly lack of crabbiness.... at least in the blog!

    I get a prize? Woohoo!

    I believe your roadkill was an armadillo. The first live one I ever saw was when we were going through the Ozarks at night a few years ago. Rounded one of those hairpin turns and there it was. Had to do some fancy maneuvers to keep from squishing it.

    And yes, I said live one. When Sherry and I got married she brought along her stuffed armadillo, which now resides on top of a speaker downstairs!
